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About the Editor

Mark Bayer launched One for the Week in January 2022.

A former Chief of Staff in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives during a 20-year career working in Congress, Mark is president of Bayer Strategic Consulting. He helps scientists, engineers, and executives get research funding, advance their careers, and effectively communicate the real-world impact of their work to their most important stakeholders, including potential employers, investors, policymakers and the public.

Mark has appeared in Science, Forbes, The New Yorker, Barron’s, TeenVOGUE and other publications. He serves as a guest lecturer in the Science Policy Bootcamp course at Cornell University's Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering.

Since 2018, Mark has hosted the weekly podcast When Science Speaks, where he explores communications, science policy, and career issues affecting grad students, PhDs, entrepreneurs, and senior scientists.

Mark is a graduate of Cornell University, where he was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. He earned his Master in Public Policy at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government. 

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